Sponsorship and vendor opportunities

We are extremely appreciative that vendors are interested in collaborating with us. VINE forms relationships and partnerships with vendors that meet VINE's standards of honesty, integrity, respect, responsibility and ethics in their business practices.

New Structure, changed sponsorship opportunities

In 2024 the VINE Committee made the decision to restructure, streamlining operations and establishing subject matter focused sub-committees responsible for meeting agendas and resource development projects. The sub-committee themes include:

  • Security
  • Data
  • Technical and Operations, and Audio Visual
  • Strategy and Leadership
  • Teaching and Learning

Each sub-committee is responsible for development of meeting agendas and creation of resources which speak to the sub-committee themes in the context of K-12 school environments. Funding of meetings and resource development will be sourced through sponsorship partners aligned with each of the broad themes. In this way, each theme will have its own sponsors while VINE will maintain one Platinum sponsor who will be present at all VINE meetings.

What is the value of supporting VINE?

VINE is a volunteer led group of ICT professionals working primarily in K-12 schools. A great deal of our work is focused on developing and promoting constructive dialogue between schools and vendors, acknowledging that it is the products supplied to schools which help us work both more efficiently and effectively. Supporting VINE directly through sponsorship provides funds to allow this work to continue but is also a fantastic way of understanding the ICT challenges schools face that your company may be able to assist with. 

More details are outlined in our sponsorship document. Please contact us to obtain a copy.

How are sponsorship funds used?

Sponsorship funds, member subscriptions and any other revenue VINE generates is directed to the sustainability and development of the network. More specifically, this entails covering venue and catering costs for meetings, administration costs associated with the running of the network and development of resource material that member schools can take advantage of. An example of the kind of resources VINE has commissioned and made available to members includes the development of policy templates, creation of incident response playbooks and community awareness videos.

How to become a VINE sponsor

To become a VINE sponsor, organisations must complete the 2025-2026 VINE Sponsorship Expression of Interest form (this new form reflects the changes to our structure). Annual sponsorship packages are highly sought after. Applicants for these annual sponsorship packages are likely to be interviewed by members of the VINE committee to explore alignment of VINE and the potential sponsor and any potential value adds (other than sponsorship fee) the sponsor may be able to provide members or the organisation (e.g. training for members, venue access for meetings, etc.) which help support the network or technology use in education as a whole. 

The next sponsorship period commences 1 July 2025 and concludes 30 June 2026.

For more information and to obtain a copy of the current sponsorship document, please contact us.

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Platinum Sponsor

File:Cisco logo blue 2016.svg - Wikimedia Commons   

Women in IT Sponsor 

Data Gold Partner

Data Partner

Security Gold Partner

Security Partner 

Strategy & Leadership Gold Partner 

Strategy & Leadership Partner

Teaching & Learning Gold Partner

 Teaching & Learning Partner

Tech Ops Gold Partner

Tech Ops Partner

Streaming Sponsor 


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