Our Mission

The Victorian ICT Network for Education (VINE) is a volunteer led, professional Association committed to nurturing the effective and innovative use of information communications technologies in all areas of K-12 education to improve and enhance learning for students. 

Membership to VINE is open to not only IT Directors but technical staff, developers, database administrators, notebook program coordinators, e-learning coordinators, senior school/leadership teams such as principals, vice principals and business managers across all school sectors. 

Membership of VINE is restricted to school employees. This ensures forum conversations are free of commercial interest and allows for school led dialogue. Vendor involvement in meetings is by invitation.

VINE provides a comprehensive and professional support for collaboration, problem solving and sharing of information and resources related to information, communication and learning technologies. 

The Association conducts its business in an ethical manner and to the highest professional standards. 

Our Goals, Objectives and Purpose 

  • To establish and maintain an association to represent the interests of people involved in managing and supporting Information Communications Technology (ICT) in schools. 

  • To promote and maintain a collaborative culture amongst members within their own school; across schools; and across all school sectors to share information, solutions and technical knowhow in relation to ICT in schools.  

  • To promote collaboration amongst members and their stakeholders within their environments. The main stakeholders include staff, students, parents and alumni and other relevant group.  

  • To promote a culture that builds respect, fosters inclusiveness, promotes diversity and embraces the unique skills and knowledge of ICT professionals in the school environment.  

  • To provide a “voice” in terms of advocacy for members in relevant forums. Forums such as pricing with vendors, software licensing or discussions/policy formulation in arena relevant and impact the use of ICT in schools.   

  • To use technology in exemplary ways amongst members to demonstrate the benefits of ICT use. 

  • To provide opportunities for members in professional learning activities and best practice in relation to leadership, influence and governance . 

Members Code of Conduct

The VINE requires members to observe the highest standards of professional conduct and ethical behaviour in all activities. By adherence to such standards, the reputation of ICT Staff is enhanced and public confidence in the management and administration of ICT in schools increased. 

As conduct of an individual member will reflect upon the wider profession and upon the Network membership as a whole, the Code sets out what are deemed appropriate standards of professional conduct. 

Members are required to adhere to this Code both in spirit and to the letter, such that their conduct is governed by the highest standards of professionalism and ethical behaviour. 

Download a copy of the VINE member Code of Conduct

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