Membership of VINE is a cost effective way of gaining access to professional learning events and meetings, resources and a strong network of peers who help one another to define best practice use of technology in schools.
There are four membership options. All subscriptions are for a period of 1 year and renew August 1st each year.
Please email if you have any questions.
Membership Options
Digital Membership
Open to schools outside Victoria, Australia, Digital Membership allows any staff member directly employed by a non-Victorian school access to VINE resources and to participate in our online discussion forums. This membership type is not eligible to vote in organisational elections. Membership cost is $100 (AUD) per year.
Individual Membership
Intended for a single named school employee, Individual Membership provides access to all VINE meetings, access to VINE resources, participation in VINE professional learning days and qualification for other VINE activities and promotions and participation in our online discussion forums. This membership type may vote in organisational elections. Membership cost is $150 (AUD) per year.
Limited School Membership
This membership is for Victorian schools with up to 4 employees listed as members. This membership allows any staff member directly employed by the school to attend all VINE meetings, access to VINE resources, participate in VINE professional learning days and qualification for other VINE activities and promotions and participation in our online discussion forums. The administrating member may cast one vote on behalf of the member organisation in VINE elections. Membership cost is $300.00 (AUD) per year.
Unlimited School Membership
This membership is for Victorian schools with an unlimited number of employees listed as members. This membership allows any staff member directly employed by the school to attend all VINE meetings, access to VINE resources, participate in VINE professional learning days and qualification for other VINE activities and promotions and participation in our online discussion forums. The administrating member may cast one vote on behalf of the member organisation in VINE elections. Membership cost is $600.00 (AUD) per year.
Members Code of Conduct
The VINE requires members to observe the highest standards of professional conduct and ethical behaviour in all activities. By adherence to such standards, the reputation of ICT Staff is enhanced and public confidence in the management and administration of ICT in schools increased.
As conduct of an individual member will reflect upon the wider profession and upon the Network membership as a whole, the Code sets out what are deemed appropriate standards of professional conduct.
Members are required to adhere to this Code both in spirit and to the letter, such that their conduct is governed by the highest standards of professionalism and ethical behaviour.
Download and read a copy of the VINE member Code of Conduct and Constitution.
How to join VINE
To join VINE, use the form below. The "New Member Application - Free" level is used to process membership requests - each application is checked and allocated to the appropriate level during this processing stage. If your school is already a member of VINE and you are joining that membership, please complete the form and you will be added to your school's membership bundle when processed. Alternatively, your school's membership administrator (usually the school ICT Manager or equivalent) can add you by going to their profile and then adding you directly (show me how).